
Grading requires two things:
  •          A solution file (one that you created or the test bank file we provide)
  •          A folder with student submissions
As an example, we use the file created in the Assigning Problems part of this site, where we created a file called KO_FundGrowth_2011.txt. This file contains our solution.

Download the student submissions into a folder; the easiest thing to do is to download them into the same folder where you saved your solution file (the software will be able to distinguish between them, as you will see).  If you use course management software, it most likely lets you download all submissions into a folder you select and adds identifying student information to the file name.

For our example, we have constructed two student submissions, called student1.txt and student2.text and stored them in the same folder as the solution file we constructed.

To grade the students, click the Instructors menu item:

The Instructors window will pop up:

Select the file with the solutions you constructed by clicking the icon:

(You can also specify the file from the File menu).
A file dialog box will ask you to locate the file:

And we have selected the file we created earlier.  You can see that we have downloaded the two student submissions into the same folder.  Click Open.
Now, specify the folder with the student submissions by clicking on the icon highlighted below:

The program uses the folder with the solution as the default, but lets you select another folder if you did not put the student submissions in the same folder:

Select the folder and click OK.
You should now see:

(We have grayed out part of the file names in the picture).
Above the tree, select the stock; in our case, we only have one stock, Coca Cola, so that is automatically selected.  In the tree, select the topic, which in our case is Fundamental growth.
Just above the stock selection dropdown, you will see two grading options.  The first says “Full Report” and the second says “Check Values Only.”  If you select “Check Values Only,” you will see, for each student, whether the calculator inputs agree with your solution.  If you select “Full Report,” you will get a detailed report on every field: how the student constructed it and how it compared to your construction.
For our two test student files, we made some errors in student1.txt and no errors in student2.txt so you can see what the reports look like.

The result of clicking the button “Check Student Constructions” yields:

You can see that student1 has several incorrect answers.  If you select “Full Report” and click the button “Check Student Constructions,” you will see the details of the student constructions, in our case:

You can see that student1 did not enter anything for the field “Net Income Attributable to NCI,” did not change the sign on Dividends Paid, and did not calculate the Average Shareholders Equity correctly.  Student2, on the other hand, got everything correct.

You can copy and paste the results, and you can also export the results into an Excel workbook.