Instructor's- contact us today for complimentary subscription to FSA Module.
With the FSA module, we provide:
- An online textbook
- A test bank with complete solutions
- The worked examples in our Self-Assessment dataset
- The ability to easily create your own worked examples and exams
- A unique grading feature that lets you grade student submissions quickly
Applicable Courses
You can use it in any course that requires the analysis of financial statements, including:
- Ø Financial Statement Analysis
- Ø Corporate Finance
- Ø Managerial Finance
- Ø Investments
- Ø Financial Accounting
- Ø Managerial Accounting
- Ø Security Valuation
It can be used in conjunction with your existing textbook, with our online text serving as a practical “how-to” guide. You can use very specific parts (e.g. “conduct a DuPont Analysis”) or use it to comprehensive fundamental analysis of a company and compare it to others.
What it covers
The online textbook describes each topic and gives practical examples of how to analyze each topic. The Self-Assessment dataset has complete constructions for a large number of companies. You can select any of the over 4000 companies whose statements are available within the software and easily create your own datasets, to be used either as worked examples that can be handed out to students, or as the solution relative to which student submissions are graded. We update the filings every night, so you can also use the software to analyze companies of current interest.
Using the Self-Assessment Dataset
In terms of a course, the Self-Assessment Dataset is simply a collection of worked examples. Students can work through these at their own pace, and analyze several different companies. Elsewhere on this site, we have both a printable example as well as a video explaining the Self-Assessment feature of the software.
Using the test bank
The test bank dataset is available (on request) for instructors, and is not meant to be distributed to students. It contains complete constructions (“solutions”) for a set of companies. You would simply assign one or more topics and one or more companies covered in this dataset. The students would construct their solutions and submit them to you (through whatever means you use for electronic submission, such as a course management system or email). You simply put all student files into a folder on your computer. On the Instructor tab, read in the solutions in the test bank dataset, specify the folder with the student submissions, click a button, and get a report on what every student did correctly or incorrectly. You can compare final results only or get a detailed report on everything the students did in their submission.
Elsewhere on this site, we have a printable example as well as a video showing you how the grading system works.
Creating and Assigning your own worked examples
This is easy: pick a topic (or multiple topics), select one or more companies, and go through the construction as described in the How To and the Videos on this site. Save your work in a file, and distribute the file to your students, by email, posting it on a web site, or through a course management system like Blackboard. Students read in this “Self-Assessment” file, and then work through the problem as many times as they need and with as much or as little help as they want.
With the unique drag-drop constructions, it literally only takes a few minutes to create a data file. Also, the creation is cumulative, so if you have already constructed some variables, you can re-use those that are needed by a new topic.
Creating your own test bank
This is simple: construct your file as with a worked example, but don’t distribute it to students. Then, read it in as the solution file and evaluate the student submissions against it, just as you would do with our test bank file.